Washington Aviation Group - About Us
Since 1999, our law firm has supported the aviation community, with a special emphasis on representing manufacturers, suppliers/distributors, repair stations and air carriers.
Jason Dickstein is the President of the Washington Aviation Group and he has practiced aviation law for over 30 years. In his private practice, he advises aviation industry companies on compliance issues, represents them in transactions, and defends them against enforcement actions and other lawsuits. His clients include repair stations, air carriers, aircraft parts distributors, and aircraft parts manufacturers. He has represented and advised clients from Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe.
In his law practice, Mr. Dickstein’s focal areas include:
• Aerospace Transactions,
• Aviation Safety Regulations,
• Business Purchases and Sales,
• Competition,
• Dangerous Goods (Hazmat),
• Export,
• Import,
• International Relations, and
• Intellectual Property.
Mr. Dickstein works closely with government bodies in several countries to develop regulations to maintain aviation safety and improve global trade; he is an active participant in the aviation rulemaking arena, and has served on rulemaking and advisory committees formed by the FAA, EASA and the U.S. Congress.
Mr. Dickstein also represents several aviation trade associations, including the Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association (AFRA), the Aviation Suppliers Association (ASA) and the Modification and Replcement Parts Association (MARPA). In his trade association practice, Mr. Dickstein has helped associations develop standards, and has worked closely as a partner with regulators in Asia, Europe and North America.
Mr. Dickstein has spent much of his career encouraging international trade in aviation parts, and developing tools that can help provide assurances of quality and airworthiness in those transactions.
Katt Brigham is the firm's Office Manager. She also serves as the trade association Program Manager.
Before finding her way to the Washington Aviation Group in 2009, Mrs. Brigham worked in customer service focussed businesses like the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus and the Walt DIsney Corporation.
Mrs. Brigham helps to manage client programs including trade association meetings, trade association committees and trade association memebrship programs.
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Washington Aviation Group, P.C.
2233 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Suite 503
Washington, D.C. 200007
Talk To Us
Phone: +1 (202) 628-6777